Kiteboarding Kite Size Chart
Wes Severson September 3rd, 2024 Posted In: Articles
Kiteboarding is one of the most thrilling activities imaginable because it combines elements of surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and paragliding, all into one epic water sport. Even just watching the skilled riders is an exhilarating experience. They use their large kites to harness the power of the wind to speed through the water while getting lifted and thrown dozens of feet into the air.
If you’re just getting into kiteboarding, which is also referred to as kitesurfing, or you’ve been doing it for quite a while, it is critical to know exactly the right size kite will work best for you. Got your kiteboard size down? Great! Now it’s time to decide what size kiteboarding kite to get. Selecting the right kite size you’ll be using for kitesurfing is instrumentally important in kiteboard safety. Don’t just wing it.
Use a kiteboarding kite size chart like the one below to give you a proper starting point to answer the critical question: What size kite for kiteboarding is right for you?
What is a Kiteboarding Kite Size Chart?
A kiteboarding kite size chart is a handy tool that will help you find out what kite size works best for you. The chart is based on important factors like your weight, wind conditions, and your skill level. It’s usually some sort of table that looks similar to a spreadsheet that contains rider parameters and wind conditions. They’re usually made by kiteboard manufacturers, kitesurf schools, coaches, or experts.
Using a kiteboarding kite size chart will make sure you choose a kite size that will allow you to have optimal control and maximum fun while you’re out on the water.

Factors Included in a Kiteboarding Kite Size Chart
Wind Conditions
The speed and consistency of the wind are some of the biggest factors to consider when trying to figure out the right size kite. Lighter winds will require you to have a bigger kite that can catch more wind and generate the right amount of power to glide you across the water. If the winds are strong, a smaller kite will be able to catch enough wind to do the job. However, on a day with strong winds, choosing a kite that is too big could lead to a dangerous situation of being overpowered and going too fast.
Weight of the Rider
How much a rider weighs also plays a significant role in choosing the right kite size. The lighter you are, the smaller the kite you will need to pull you around. Heavier riders will need a larger kite to generate the right amount of power to propel them across the water.
Kiteboarding Skill Level
Knowing what skill level you’re at makes a huge difference in the kite size you’ll need. Beginners often benefit from using a bigger kite because they can provide more stability and more lift. Experienced kiteboarders often prefer a smaller kite which can provide a higher level of precision and control.
Riding Style
Freestyle kiteboarding, wave riding, and big air kiteboarding usually require different kite sizes. Freestyle and wake-style kiteboarders typically want smaller kites that can help them get more air or do a more advanced array of tricks. Kiteboarders who want to catch waves usually want a larger kite size which gives them more stability to stay in the wave.
Try Different Kiteboard Kite Sizes
There is not an exact science for choosing the size of your kite. Don’t be afraid to try different kite sizes to find what works best for you. Consider asking experienced kiteboarders or professionals for their advice on kite sizes that might work better.
What Size Kite for Kiteboarding: Surveying Wind Conditions
One of the hardest parts of finding the right size kite is knowing the approximate wind speeds.
In light winds from 12 to 18 mph, larger kites ranging from 10 to 17 meters are ideal because they will capture more of the lighter breezes.
For medium winds of 16 to 24 mph, medium-sized kites ranging from 6 to 14 meters will offer a nicer balance between power and control and are typically suitable for most riders and conditions.
Strong winds of 22 to 30 mph, using smaller kites ranging from 4 to 12 meters will work best. They will do a better job of keeping you from getting overpower by the strong gusts while allowing you to have more control and stability.
How To Read A Kiteboarding Kite Size Chart
In the kiteboarding kite size chart below, we’ve included some general recommendations. The left column is light wind kite size recommendations. The center column is kites that could be used in mid-range wind and on the right are high-wind kite recommendations.

Remember, a kiteboarding kite size chart provides just general guidelines. Your final determination should be based on hands-on experience while you test different kite sizes in various conditions with advice from professionals. The knowledge you gain out on the water is invaluable and will often be the best way to refine your choice and find the kite size that works perfectly for you!