How to Store a Wetsuit
Paige Troiano February 27th, 2017 Posted In: Articles, How-To
How to Store a Wetsuit The Right Way!
Learning how to store a wetsuit isn’t difficult, but there are very clear do’s and don’ts, along with other aspects which are absolutely mandatory with learning how to store a wetsuit. A wetsuit can last you a very lengthy period of time if, like anything, you take care of it properly! You’ve placed your trust in your wetsuit and it’s been there for you on your longest of days. Whether it has kept you warm in the coldest water temperatures or spared you from board rash in the hot summer sun, show it a little love back by having its best interest at heart here, and protect your own investment at the same time!
Maintenance & Cleaning:
Generally, a little regular maintenance should go a long way when it comes to caring for and storing your wetsuit. However, the type of maintenance largely depends on how often you wear your suit and the type of water you’re in. Rinsing your wetsuit in fresh water before hanging it to dry should do the trick in most cases! A fresh water rinse, at minimum, is a mandatory measure that any wetsuit owner should get in the habit of doing after use.
The most effective thing you can do after a fresh water rinse is to hang dry your wetsuit. Whether you use a padded dress-hanger, or a specific wetsuit hanger, never leave your suit crumpled or balled up for any period of time. Storing wetsuits in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight ensures and prolongs the life and quality of your wetsuit!
Serious Solutions:
If your wetsuit is seeing a lot of action on a regular basis, your wetsuit will require a little more TLC than the standard fresh water rinse. A wetsuit shampoo/conditioner is a must for exposure to salt water and the harshness of chlorine. A little goes a long way, so all you need is about a cap-full of the product and a five gallon bucket, or a container to hold enough fresh water to dunk your suit in. Make sure you rinse the suds out of your suit fully, too!
What’s That Smell?
It’s normal for wetsuits to stink! Whether you can’t seem to shake the smell (or the bacteria) from your local river, or you peed in your wetsuit one too many times…again (we all do it), Gear Aid Revivex Odor Eliminator will be your saving grace to get your wetsuit smelling brand spankin’ new again! A regular fresh water rinse should prolong the time in between uses of odor eliminators, but for the times where you need to break out the big guns, this is your best bet.
For the best of both worlds, RipCurl’s ‘Piss Off‘ (tee hee) is a great blend of shampoo and conditioners with a little extra odor eliminating properties, just to be safe!! Wetsuit Wearhouse also carries plenty of other products by brands like Cat5, Suit Fresh, O’Neill and more!
Never Should You Ever…
Sure, your wetsuit can take a beating here and there, but there are still a few things you should never subject your wetsuit to…
#1. Never ball up your suit and leave it that way until your next use. Once you’re sure it’s dry, hang it in your closet or fold it neatly to avoid extreme creasing or allowing weird smells to harbor in it’s folds. You can thank us later!
#2. Wetsuits should never be placed in a washing machine or dryer!!! Hand rinse/wash your suits gently. It requires less time and will ultimately ensure the best physical quality of your suit.
#3. Wetsuits are not intended to be washed with products intended for regular laundry use. Your favorite fabric softener or detergent pods won’t do any good here. Stick to wetsuit-specific products, trust us.
#4. Avoid sunlight during the drying and storing process. Sunlight will fade any fabric, and your wetsuit is no different!
#5. Wetsuits are made of neoprene which can be very prone to tears and punctures, so be very careful not to add any fingernail tears when handling!
If you still have any questions on How to Store a Wetsuit, our team is here to help! Reach us via e-mail, live chat or by phone (866) 906-7848!